Chips from the Quarry is a monthly publication of Hollywood Lodge No. 355. Please contact us if you are interested in being a contributor.
Brethren and ladies,
I hope you and your families are doing well. According to the most recent announcement from the Grand Lodge of California, we will continue meeting online instead of in-person for the time being. This will not stop us, however, from being an active lodge and pursuing meaningful activities.
We gave the Busy Bee Award to Mrs. Nicki Weathersby at our last Stated Meeting. The Busy Bee Award is an honor we give anyone who has made tremendous contributions to our Masonic Family. Lady Nicki has, for many years, given in excess to Hollywood Lodge. We are incredibly grateful for everything she has done for us and are extremely happy to have her as part of our Masonic Family.
On March 18, we had an online presentation by the Past Master Councilor of the Hollywood Chapter of DeMolay, Sean Santos. It was highly informative and very well put-together. The Order of DeMolay has produced some of the most prolific leaders of society and industry, and we are proud to sponsor one of the most effective and dynamic chapters in the State!
The Lodge Committees have been busy running in the background, despite the limitations our current situation brings. The Audit Committee has completed the 2020 audit. They did a tremendous job and performed the tasks with excellence. The Scholarship Committee has been working towards reestablishing our scholarship program and structuring it for longevity. The Building Association has been busy addressing issues brought about by the pandemic and planning contingencies to ensure the lodge’s financial viability. If you are curious as to who these devoted and productive brothers are, see the list of committees and committeemen at If you have any interest in being involved in any of these committees, please reach out to me.
Finally, it is with great pleasure that I announce the appointment of Bro. Kevin Michaels as the Chairman of the Masonic Education Committee. Please respond to the survey he prepared, below, to let us know what topics you would like covered in upcoming Masonic Education events.
As before, while we continue to deal with the lockdown, please continue to be cautious and make sure to reach out to us if you need any assistance. You may reach me at
Sincerely and fraternally,
T.J. Oliva
T.J. Oliva
(213)268-2408 (call/text)
Greetings from the South,
I hope that each one of you and your families are staying safe and doing well. I just wanted to express myself and let you know it has been an honor to serve you and this great lodge.
I have learned so much from the brethren near and far and plan to keep learning and growing on my masonic journey. As spring is among us, I wanted to say this is my favorite time of the year because of the new energy it brings. The birds are chirping, flowers blooming and all the vivid colors that mother nature has produced. To me this might be the best time to plant a seed for new beginnings or seize those opportunities that might arise. Our lodge has some real history behind it, and I know we still have some more in front of us. I consider myself lucky to be connected to such a great group of brothers I call family.
“There are no strangers in Freemasonry, only friends you’ve yet to meet.”- Dave Thomas
Cedric Williamson, Sr.
Cedric Williamson
Junior Warden -Elect
Join us for our monthly stated meeting where we discuss important lodge business. This meeting is open to all Masons.
We request that you keep your camera on during this meeting, so that we may be able to verify your identity.
Meeting ID: 836 2992 8019
Passcode: 091590
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka remains one of the most significant Supreme Court cases in the history of American education—and indeed of the country. As chief justice, Earl Warren delivered the unanimous opinion that effectively desegregated schools and represented a major turning point in the civil rights movement. A lifetime had prepared him for the moment: Nearly two decades earlier, as grand master of Masons in California, Warren, a member of Sequoia Lodge No. 349 in Oakland, expressed many of the same views in his address to the Annual Communication of 1936. At the time, he wrote, “I am convinced that the hope of the future lies in the education of our youth, not of some children but of all children—not according to so-called classes of society.”
Eighteen years later, presiding over his first case on the Supreme Court, he echoed that language: “Such an opportunity, where the state has undertaken to provide it,” he wrote of public education, “is a right which must be made available to all on equal terms.”
His choice of words in both cases stands out. To the court, he referred to education as “the foundation of good citizenship,” and to his fellow Masons, “the foundation of a liberty-loving people—the greatest blessing this or any nation has ever had.”
Mostly, though, it’s the values that undergird those words that comes through in both texts. In addressing the Masons in 1936, Warren invoked the stonemason’s level. In the second degree, the level is described with the reminder, “For he who is placed on the lowest spoke of fortune’s wheel is entitled to our regard.” Warren wrote of public education, “It offers the strongest proof to the world that he who is on the lowest spoke of fortune’s wheel may be entitled to our regard.”
In a celebrated career that reached the pinnacle of American politics, Warren was always able to call on the lessons he’d learned—and taken to heart—back at lodge.
Article from
At the January Stated Meeting, the members of the lodge decided to present a plaque to Wor. Eric Sharp of Reseda Lodge No. 666 for the work he did on our 2020 Holiday Magic Show and also for being always available to help our lodge present degrees at a moment's notice, despite not being a member of Hollywood Lodge.
Wor. Sharp, once again, we thank you!
In honor of March being Masonic Youth Month, on March 18, we had a presentation by Sean Santos, Past Master Councilor of the Hollywood Chapter of the Order of DeMolay. It was informative, entertaining, and very well delivered. It is no wonder that the Order of DeMolay has produced some of society's greatest leaders and influencers.
The much anticipated sequel of the 1996 film, Space Jam, is set to be released on July 16, 2021. Space Jam: A New Legacy is a project that Bro. Cameron Hood is the Post-Production Animation Supervisor for.
Drop us a line and tell us what you're up to. Did you learn a new skill during the lockdown? Buy a boat? Get married? Your lodge brothers want to know.
Dear Members and Friends of Hollywood Lodge #355 F&AM,
During the month of March, we had our two meetings. At our first meeting of the month, we celebrated the Birthday of our Founder Mother Mick. The girls all made little cakes to celebrate and eat. At our second meeting of the month, we had a paint night with Ms. Mikayla and we learned how to paint a Bunny.
As far as our meetings go for now, we will be doing them over ZOOM and if you would like to join our meetings, please let me know and I will send you the ZOOM link. We have our meetings on the second and fourth Tuesday’s of the month. The girls would love to see you attend one of their ZOOM meetings.
We at Bethel 289 Tarzana wish everyone to continue to be safe and healthy during this tough time we are currently going through. We have been told that we are to suspend all in person meetings and functions for now. Hope that we get to see everyone soon.
John Schnepp
Associate Bethel Guardian
Bethel 289 Tarzana
Cell Phone # 661-312-7398
Hollywood DeMolay is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization under DeMolay International and dedicated to preparing young men to lead successful, happy, and productive lives. Basing its approach on timeless principles and practical, hands-on experience, DeMolay opens doors for young men aged 12 to 21 by developing the...
Los Angeles Show Biz Shriners Film Festival is run by the Al Malaikah Show Business Shrine Club, proudly showcasing inspiring films of all genres, short comedy films, silent films, student films and other family-friendly content and will be held virtually in October, 2021.
And the best part, you don’t need to be a Shriner to enter and take part in our festival. So spread the word.
As history serves, six decades ago, in 1958, Al Malaikah Shriners of Los Angeles who were in the Show Business industry formed the "Show Business Shrine Club of Hollywood." The Club members at that time were "active as a professional, in any phase, in the world of entertainment" and was based in the world-famous Shrine Temple and Auditorium, former venue for the Academy Awards. The "Show Business Shrine Club of Hollywood" included as members motion picture director Mervyn LeRoy (first President of the Club), Mel Blanc (voice of "Bugs Bunny"), western stars Roy Rogers and Gene Autry, actors Ernest Borgnine, Don DeFore, and Glen Ford, and many more.
Awards & Prizes
Our “Harold” Award of the Los Angeles Show Biz Shriners Film Festival honors famous film star and beloved Al Malaikah's Imperial Potentate Harold Lloyd. In addition to his many accomplishments in movie history, Lloyd’s face graced the cover of TIME Magazine wearing his Fez and received an honorary Academy Award for his body of work.
Los Angeles Show Biz Shriners Film Festival is authorized by Harold Lloyd Entertainment Inc. and the Estate of Harold Lloyd, and brought to you by Al Mailakah Shriners and the Show Business Shrine Club. Noble Kevin Michaels and Noble Eric Sharp are the festival organizers.
To submit your short comedy films, inspiring documentaries or student films online, click on the button below.
National Sojourners is a national fraternal organization that aims to meet the needs of those who are serving or have served in the U.S. Military, and for honorary members who are Master Masons. Its roots begin with the leaders of the American Revolution.
I just received the two texts in the photo above, on my smart phone (these are the exact texts).
I immediately went to my browser and Googled, “urgent alert for your USPS package” and “we came across a parcel from June pending for you.” You can likely guess the results.
“HORRY COUNTY, S.C. (WMBF) – The Horry County Fifteenth Circuit solicitor is advising residents to be on the lookout for a text scam circulating to get their information. According to a post on the solicitor’s Facebook page, the text message appears to be from the U.S. Postal Service with a link saying a package is being delivered. Solicitor Jimmy Richardson said he reached out to the USPS fraud investigators after he received a text four times about a package being delivered to him. USPS officials said the text is a phishing scheme to get information from individuals as soon as they click the link. According to the USPS, they will not send text messages to people unless they had previously signed up for such messages about a particular package delivery.”
There have been several similar stories from newsrooms around the country. People routinely fall for these postal, FedEx, or UPS delivery scams. Once you go to the link, you will be asked to identify yourself by providing things like your driver’s license, date of birth and a major credit “for identification purposes only.”
You might be instructed to call a legitimate looking number, which may even appear to be in your own area code, subtly gaining your trust. The person you speak to is friendly, sympathetic and very believable. When you say that you were not expecting a package the caller convincingly explains to you that it looks like a gift.
With your personal information they are able to start making charges in your name, steal your identity or sell your personal information on the dark web. They may have even downloaded a virus. As you wait for the delivery it dawns on you that this might not be on the up-and-up. Trust that inner voice.
Today, we order more and more for home delivery and may even forget exactly what we ordered and when. Scam artists depend on it. Google the text you just received. You will almost always learn that it is a scam. Verify legitimacy before providing your personal identifying information, not after.
If you do fall for this scam, take immediate action. Freeze your account and carefully watch all charges. Reporting it is promoted as your civic duty. But, better not to have been taken in the first place.
Bro. Hal Bookbinder
The Hiram Award was designed to be presented to the “unsung hero” of every Lodge such as the volunteer who makes the coffee at each meeting, the one who sets the tables or arranges the furniture and ornaments in the Lodge room, the painter, the gardener, the handyman, the organist, the program chairman or any...
Bro. Walter McClain - Chairman
818-337-9883 cell/text
Child ID is the program promoted by our lodge to identify children for their families. If anything were to happen to a child or a child is lost, this program helps the authorities to help find and identify missing or harmed children.
Call Brother Walter to Volunteer for any event.
Call for any major event in your immediate family.
Help is always a phone call away.
Bro. Spyros Pappas - Chairman
Candidates' coaching is every Tuesday.
Wor. Alexander Madjeski, P.M. - Candidates' Coach
The social hall is available for parties, weddings, receptions, bar mitzvahs, quinciñeras, etc.
Contact: Bro. Walter McClain
When you log in to iMember, you will be able to interact with your lodge brothers, pay your dues, and use resources available to you as a member of Hollywood Lodge No. 355 and the Grand Lodge of California.
Do you have a business or service you want to advertise to your lodge? Perhaps a rental cabin in the Mammoth Mountains? Let us know and we will put your ad on the next edition of Chips from the Quarry.