Chips from the Quarry is a monthly publication of Hollywood Lodge No. 355. Please contact us if you are interested in being a contributor.
Brethren and ladies,
I hope everyone is staying cool in this summer heat. One of the most amazing perks of living in Southern California is that beautiful beaches are just a quick drive away.
Speaking of heat, the Hollywood Lodge Building Association is currently resolving an issue with our lodge room’s air conditioning system. Additionally, Los Angeles County has ruled that everyone be masked during indoor gatherings, regardless of vaccination status. Being in a hot room while wearing a mask guarantees an unpleasant time. We will, therefore, be having our Stated Meeting via Zoom this month. Please see below for the login information.
At the July Stated Dinner, I had the pleasure of announcing this years’ Hiram Award recipient, Worshipful James Bayhylle. Wor. Bayhylle has been an amazing mentor for a lot of our lodge’s Past Masters. One of the humblest people you will ever meet, Wor. James has served this lodge for 20 years, often away from the eyes of the public. He has been steadfast in his service to the lodge and is always quick to render assistance in multiple capacities whenever the need arises. We are very proud of this choice, and I personally look forward to attending his awarding ceremony, which is scheduled sometime in 2022.
Brother Robert Brown completed his Fellowcraft Degree proficiency this month and will be scheduled to receive the Third Degree of Masonry. Please stay tuned for an announcement for the schedule.
If you are a prospective member of this lodge, please join us on August 12 for a Masonic Information Night. That evening, we will talk about what Freemasonry is about and guide you through the process of initiating your Masonic journey. For more information on this event, please feel free to email me at
Finally, let me share that in my Masonic journey, I have had the privilege to meet and know people of the most diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and views. The diversity of ideas also carries the potential for conflict between humans. Freemasonry seems to have been designed to overcome those differences and induces people to look past their differences, and instead focus on the common virtues that Freemasonry teaches each one of us. These virtues, properly observed and practiced, is the glue that binds us together. May we all continue to strive to be true brothers to each other, despite differences in opinion.
Sincerely and fraternally,
T.J. Oliva
T.J. Oliva
(213)268-2408 (call/text)
First of all, I just want to say how wonderful it was to finally be back in lodge in person and spend the time with my fellow Brothers. It has been a long time coming and it certainly did not disappoint. And on that, I would like to take this opportunity to once again congratulate Wor. James Bayhylle on his nomination for the Hiram Award. His name could not be a better fit to go along with the storied history of Hiram Award recipients in Hollywood Lodge.
Now that things are once again up and running our schedule is filling up with proficiencies and degrees. We have a lot of time to make up for and our Entered Apprentices and Fellowcrafts are certainly going to be keeping us busy. Be sure to keep an eye out in emails and on our calendar as they get scheduled. We would love to see as many Brothers at these events to support our members as they continue their Masonic journeys.
With all of that being said, we are still working on a plan to continue in-person work on proficiencies at the Toberman Library. If you would like to schedule some time to work and practice, please do not hesitate to reach out to me and we will be sure to provide suitable assistance.
I look forward to seeing each and every one of you in future meetings and special meetings. The fellowship was dearly missed.
Your Senior Warden,
Dan Haff
Dan Haff
Senior Warden
Greetings from the South,
First and foremost, I am super glad to be back at our home where we can attend lodge meetings. It has been quite a while and I am looking forward to building with the brethren. As we celebrate our independence, I am thankful for the brothers that paved the way for us and set the tone. Summer has been nice and many of us are getting ready to get back to school very soon and it can be kind of scary for some. This has been a different kind of year and we got to keep moving forward and stay positive. One thing that touched me recently was watching the Olympics this year because it showed me the determination and perseverance of all our athletes.
As things are slowly starting to get back to normal as far as masonic activities are concerned for me. I had the pleasure to witness an awesome Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft proficiency that was delivered by two of our brothers. I also witnessed an impressive Master Mason degree that was put on by Past Masters with the Grand Master of Masons of California sitting in the East. I am excited to say freemasonry is alive and well in California.
We are zooming for our August Stated Meeting on August 5th at 7:30pm.
Please check your email for the link. In the meantime, please stay safe and have an awesome summer.
Cedric Williamson, Sr.
Cedric Williamson
Junior Warden -Elect
For various reasons, we will be conducting our stated meeting via Zoom this month. Please join us by using the link below.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 836 2992 8019
Passcode: 091590
It with great pleasure that we announce that Worshipful James Bayhylle is this year's Hiram Award recipient.
Worshipful Bayhylle was the Master of Hollywood Lodge No. 355 in 2008 and has tirelessly served this lodge for almost 20 years, since being initiated into Masonry in December of 2001. He has been a great resource for education, as well as being a guide for many of Hollywood Lodge's Past Masters.
Wor. James Bayhylle is, no doubt, one of the finest Masons you'll ever meet.
For prospective members of Hollywood Lodge, please join us on August 12 where we answer your questions about Freemasonry in general and Hollywood Lodge in particular. We will guide you through the process of membership in this lodge and help you discover for yourself if Hollywood Lodge is the right lodge for you.
For more information, please email
Outside the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of California, this event is the largest gathering of Masons in California.
If you are interested in participating or have questions regarding this event, please click the "Find Out More" button and send us an email.
NOTE: September COVID restrictions will apply. To be admitted, you must show proof of vaccination or timely negative test verification. As a precaution, please bring your mask in case it might be needed.
Hilton Los Angeles Airport Hotel
5711 W. Century Blvd, Los Angeles
Dear Members and Friends of Hollywood Lodge #355 F&AM,
During the month of July the girls decided to take the summer off so that the girls could have a nice summer with the family. We hope that you and your family are having a great summer.
We are going to have our bi-annual installation of officers on August 1st. it will be at 2 p.m. It will be held at Hollywood lodge. Hope to see you there.
We at Bethel 289 Tarzana wish everyone to continue to be safe and healthy during this tough time we are currently going through. Starting the 2ndTuesday in September we will be returning to the Bethel. The girls are looking forward to getting back. Hope that we get to see everyone soon.
John Schnepp
Associate Bethel Guardian
Bethel 289 Tarzana
Cell Phone # 661-312-7398
Hollywood DeMolay is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization under DeMolay International and dedicated to preparing young men to lead successful, happy, and productive lives. Basing its approach on timeless principles and practical, hands-on experience, DeMolay opens doors for young men aged 12 to 21 by developing the...
When you search with Google, the first few links shown are often paid ads. Placement below is based on secret and ever-changing criteria. Some sites may suddenly disappear or are pushed down off the top page as Google’s criteria change. Sites pay to be at the top of the list because they know that folks most frequently choose the top one displayed. This can be an expensive mistake. is a free service that permits you to view your credit reports from Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. By law, these agencies are required to allow one free annual download of your credit report. Recently all three agreed to permit one download each week through April 2021.
Being able to obtain your Credit report for free pretty much as often as you would like is great – even if this may be a marketing ploy to get folks hooked on frequent access. In preparing to share this, I typed “AnnualCreditReport” into Google. The first three items returned were entitled:
The first two take you to the same commercial site that requires your credit card and will start charging a monthly fee of $29.95 if you do not cancel within the 7-day free trial period. While they are labeled as “Ads”, they expect that many will not pay attention. Some will then decide to purchase their services or accept the free trial and neglect to cancel in time to avoid being charged.
To pay a bill from QuestDiagnostics I searched for “QuestDiagnostics bill”. The top site displayed was, “ Bill - Pay Bill Online” and linked to a page within doxo.comthat looked very much like a QuestDiagnostics payment page. is a legitimate third-party payer that is not associated with QuestDiagnostics.
The actual QuestDiagnostics site,, is the second one listed. It would be easy to mistake the first site as the official one. In checking out the doxo site I found that they would add $3.99 to my bill as a service fee and take three days to process my credit card payment. I paid the bill at the actual QuestDiagnostics site where payment was immediate and there was no service fee.
doxo has been sued for trademark infringement for deceptively appearing to be the company’s official payment site. Customers, would then complain to the companies about the service fees. doxo displays advisories that they are a third-party payment site. But folks often do not pay attention.
Take care when selecting a link from among those returned by Google. Be certain that it is the site you actually want. In considering a third-party payer site be sure to review its terms and conditions to be sure it is your best option - it certainly was not for me! It is easy to make an expensive mistake.
Bro. Hal Bookbinder
National Sojourners is a national fraternal organization that aims to meet the needs of those who are serving or have served in the U.S. Military, and for honorary members who are Master Masons. Its roots begin with the leaders of the American Revolution.
The Hiram Award was designed to be presented to the “unsung hero” of every Lodge such as the volunteer who makes the coffee at each meeting, the one who sets the tables or arranges the furniture and ornaments in the Lodge room, the painter, the gardener, the handyman, the organist, the program chairman or any...
Bro. Walter McClain - Chairman
818-337-9883 cell/text
Child ID is the program promoted by our lodge to identify children for their families. If anything were to happen to a child or a child is lost, this program helps the authorities to help find and identify missing or harmed children.
Call Brother Walter to Volunteer for any event.
Call for any major event in your immediate family.
Help is always a phone call away.
Bro. Spyros Pappas - Chairman
Candidates' coaching is every Tuesday.
Wor. Alexander Madjeski, P.M. - Candidates' Coach
The social hall is available for parties, weddings, receptions, bar mitzvahs, quinciñeras, etc.
Contact: Wor. Keith Kramer
When you log in to iMember, you will be able to interact with your lodge brothers, pay your dues, and use resources available to you as a member of Hollywood Lodge No. 355 and the Grand Lodge of California.
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Do you have a business or service you want to advertise to your lodge? Perhaps a rental cabin in the Mammoth Mountains? Let us know and we will put your ad on the next edition of Chips from the Quarry.