Chips from the Quarry is a monthly publication of Hollywood Lodge No. 355. Please contact us if you are interested in being a contributor.
Brethren and ladies,
I am happy to announce that at our February Stated Meeting, we elected and installed our new Treasurer, Bro. Ever Mendoza. At that meeting, I also officially appointed Bro. Alex Georgiev to be the Chairman of the Investment Committee. My sincere thanks go out to these brothers for serving the lodge in those roles.
The ladies of Hollywood Lodge gathered online on February 18 for a virtual paint night. I am told that everyone had a grand time. This is the first of several ladies’ events we are hoping to have this year. Send in your ideas for ladies’ events and we will work towards making them happen.
March is Masonic Youth Orders Month. On March 18, we will have a presentation by Hollywood Chapter of DeMolay’s Past Master Councilor, Sean Santos. Details will be announced shortly. To find out more about our Masonic Youth Organizations, visit
As of the time of this writing, new daily cases of COVID-19 in Los Angeles have gone back down to the level it was in early October 2020. Although things are going in the right direction, we are not out of the woods yet. Please continue to be cautious and make sure to reach out to us if you need any assistance.
Sincerely and fraternally,
T.J. Oliva
T.J. Oliva
(213)268-2408 (call/text)
After a month away I am pleased to be back in communication with all of you. While our world slowly improves during the challenging times, I am pleased to say that we are still hard at work trying to keep our Entered Apprentices and Fellowcrafts moving forward. Wor. Alex Madjeski has been graciously making himself available for candidates coaching for all who need the work. I can personally attest to the quality of coaching Wor. Madjeski provides as he has been instrumental in my own work as well. As a reminder, Candidates Coaching is provided on Tuesday nights from 7:00pm to 9:00pm, but we can work with your schedule, so if you are interested, please feel free to reach out to myself and I will gladly work to make the time for you. I want to continue providing time for our Brothers so as things begin to open back up our lodge will be busy continuing many Masonic journeys, as well as providing ample time for the Brethren to meet up in person and make up for the lost time over the last year.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Your Senior Warden
Daniel Haff
Senior Warden
Greetings from the South,
What a difference a year makes. In one year, we had to learn new skills on how to go get food for the family, how to multi-task from home, how to homeschool, how to work from home, how to Zoom, how to keep our distance, and countless other new skills. We now find that much needed time for family that we would never have made possible because of all the hustle and bustle of life. What new skill did you learn this year? Here is a new skill any one of us can learn, it is called Civility. Have you noticed the division of our country and see people who have lost friends and relationships because of a difference in opinion? We should learn not only to tolerate the differences, but to embrace and appreciate them, and really try to be kind and accepting of other points of view. I was fortunate enough to tune in to the Past Master of Masons in California, MW Russ Chavonia’s talk on “Our Role in Restoring Civility Back to Society.” It was great, entertaining, and encouraging. Civility means formal politeness and courtesy in behavior or speech. Civility comes from the word “civis,” which in Latin means “citizen.” Merriam Webster defines civility as civilized conduct (especially courtesy or politeness) or a polite act or expression. Please check out the website for more information on this great endeavor. My goal moving forward is not to just tolerate, but to appreciate the differences of others. in one form or another and, is a key element to keep society moving forward.
Cedric Williamson, Sr.
Cedric Williamson
Junior Warden -Elect
Since the release of iMember 2.0, dues cards are now electronic via the cellphone app. You may still receive a physical copy of your 2021 dues card by request. To make that request, email or click the button below to send a message to our lodge secretary, Wor. Victor Lerma.
Join us for our monthly stated meeting where we discuss important lodge business. This meeting is open to all Masons.
We request that you keep your camera on during this meeting, so that we may be able to verify your identity.
Meeting ID: 861 4126 6370
Passcode: 002419
The beautiful ladies of Hollywood Lodge got together on February 18 for a virtual paint night, instructed by the talented Ms. Mikaela Bowman of the Long Beach Bethel of Job's Daughters.
Bro. Sherman Slade proposed to Jeanise on February 17, and she said YES!
We send our heartiest congratulations to Bro. Sherman and his lady, Jeanise!
May your lives together be filled with much joy and laughter!
Our very own Bro. Barry Balonick is one of fifteen finalists in Shrine International's Fun & Fellowship Competition.
Let's support Bro. Balonick by clicking on the link below.
Voting ends on March 25.
Hollywood Lodge was one of twenty four lodges listed on the Grand Lodge 2020 Annual Report with 100% lodge officers' charitable giving.
Great job, brethren!
In February 2021, Endless Mile Studios, a local LA production company headed by our very own Worshipful Joshua Weathersby, was busy tackling a difficult challenge: filming a feature film during the times of Covid. Fresh off the win in Geekfest in December for the short film, “Laundry Day,” the work continued in the filming of a sci-fi comedy, “Rocky's Galaxy.” While this was a challenge, the Masonic connections were aplenty. With Wor. Weathersby directing, and current Senior Warden, Bro. Daniel Haff producing, the movie also had a role filled by Reseda Lodge's Wor. Eric Sharp, as well as a pleasant surprise discovered on set of a Brother living in Ojai providing services as a Special Effects Artist. It's always great to see the connections on set of Brother working with Brothers, and in the end, the movie was shot and currently has begun the post-production process and there will be more updates in the future. So be on the lookout!
Drop us a line and tell us what you're up to. Did you learn a new skill during the lockdown? Buy a boat? Get married? Your lodge brothers want to know.
Dear Members and Friends of Hollywood Lodge #355 F&AM,
During the month of February, we had our two meetings. At our first meeting of the month, we all learned how to properly address an envelope to send someone. The girls all sent each other Valentine cards in the mail, because who doesn’t love getting surprises in the mail from friends. At our second meeting of the month, we played games with Miss Julia, who is our Queen Bee.
As far as our meetings go for now, we will be doing them over ZOOM and if you would like to join our meeting, please let me know and I will send you the ZOOM link. We have our meetings on the second and fourth Tuesday’s of the month. The girls would love to see you attend a ZOOM meeting.
We at Bethel 289 Tarzana wish everyone to continue to be safe and healthy during this tough time we are currently going through. We have been told that we are to suspend all in person meetings and functions for now. Hope that we get to see everyone soon.
John Schnepp
Associate Bethel Guardian
Bethel 289 Tarzana
Cell Phone # 661-312-7398
Hollywood DeMolay is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization under DeMolay International and dedicated to preparing young men to lead successful, happy, and productive lives. Basing its approach on timeless principles and practical, hands-on experience, DeMolay opens doors for young men aged 12 to 21 by developing the...
Click on the button below for more information.
National Sojourners is a national fraternal organization that aims to meet the needs of those who are serving or have served in the U.S. Military, and for honorary members who are Master Masons. Its roots begin with the leaders of the American Revolution.
Scamsters are after your personal information and your money. Whether it is phishing on your computer or vishing on your phone, the goal is the same. You likely think that you would never be fooled by such obvious cons. However, more folks than you imagine have been taken and are too embarrassed to admit it. We were brought up in a more trusting time. Scamsters are experts in human engineering. They know how to connect, to build trust and create urgency and fear. They are very good at what they do. Do not underestimate them.
· Relationship – Scamsters may use their skills to create an apparent bond. They may share their own fears and hopes. They may share things that they have in common with you. Maybe they have a Jewish-sounding surname or drop a Yiddish expression. The goal is for you to let down your guard.
· Known Entity – Scamsters may represent themselves as being from a company, governmental entity or other organization that you know and trust (or fear). They are usually quite convincing. Anyone may say that they are an IRS or postal investigator or from the fraud alert group at your bank.
· Fear – Scamsters “from the IRS” may threaten you with a huge penalty or jail. Scamsters “from the power company may threaten to cut off your power. Scamsters from “the police of a foreign country” may threaten to jail, or not to release, a friend or relative. The goal is to rattle you.
· Greed – A scamster may inform you that you have a government payment on hold, that you have a package at FedEx, that you will be paid $100 to complete a survey or help them catch a bank employee who has been stealing. or of course, that you have won some prize.
· Urgency – Scamsters almost always rely on urgency. Action must be taken immediately or there will be dire consequences or an amazing opportunity will be lost. By creating this urgency, they hope you will not stop and question things.
· Immediacy – Scamsters demand payment now, using purchased cash cards, debit cards, wire transfer or bitcoin. Credit cards, checks and the US Mail are too slow. Of course, the alternatives they require mean that your money will not be recovered and they will likely not be caught.
· Identification – Being asked to identify yourself by providing information such as birth date, account number, address, social security number, “your secret word”, or any other personal information should alert you that you are being reeled in. Do not fall for it.
· Verification – Scamsters know that you may be suspicious and want to check them out. So, they may provide you a phone number to call. The automated call tree and eventual “representative” sound legitimate. They are not. Always verify by looking up the number yourself.
· Confidentiality – You may be informed that this is a special, delicate situation that demands confidentiality. If you bring anyone or any organization into the picture, the opportunity will be gone or there will be dire consequences. They want to be your only source of “truth.”
· Repetition – Once a scamster has taken you, they may well return in the guise of an official to help you recover what you lost or as the same person with a convincing story as to why things did not work out before but with some more effort, and money, they are guaranteed to work out now.
The scamsters are experts at manipulation. They have done this successfully with uncounted smart and sophisticated people. Be careful. Step back and whatever you do, do not provide personal information or money. Do not try to outsmart them. Just focus on not getting reeled in.
Bro. Hal Bookbinder
The Hiram Award was designed to be presented to the “unsung hero” of every Lodge such as the volunteer who makes the coffee at each meeting, the one who sets the tables or arranges the furniture and ornaments in the Lodge room, the painter, the gardener, the handyman, the organist, the program chairman or any...
Bro. Walter McClain - Chairman
818-337-9883 cell/text
Child ID is the program promoted by our lodge to identify children for their families. If anything were to happen to a child or a child is lost, this program helps the authorities to help find and identify missing or harmed children.
Call Brother Walter to Volunteer for any event.
Call for any major event in your immediate family.
Help is always a phone call away.
Bro. Spyros Pappas - Chairman
Candidates' coaching is every Tuesday.
Wor. Alexander Madjeski, P.M. - Candidates' Coach
The social hall is available for parties, weddings, receptions, bar mitzvahs, quinciñeras, etc.
Contact: Bro. Walter McClain
When you log in to iMember, you will be able to interact with your lodge brothers, pay your dues, and use resources available to you as a member of Hollywood Lodge No. 355 and the Grand Lodge of California.
Do you have a business or service you want to advertise to your lodge? Perhaps a rental cabin in the Mammoth Mountains? Let us know and we will put your ad on the next edition of Chips from the Quarry.