Chips from the Quarry is a monthly publication of Hollywood Lodge No. 355. Please contact us if you are interested in being a contributor.
Brethren and ladies,
One of the most fascinating features of Freemasonry is that it brings together people who might otherwise be at a perpetual distance. When two or more people come together, there always exists the potential for conflict due to differences in opinion. More importantly, there is the enormous potential for people to come together in unity to achieve and produce something beautiful and great. History has proven that the degrees and lessons of Freemasonry, if applied appropriately, can be the vehicle for the latter.
During the war of American Independence, Captain Ezekial McKinstry of the American Army was captured by Mohawk Indian troops under the command of Joseph Brant, a colonial loyalist. As prisoner, Captain McKinstry was tied to a tree in preparation for torture, when he made the mysterious appeal of a Mason in the hour of danger. A Mason himself, who was raised to the sublime degree in London in 1776, Joseph Brant responded to this plea and rescued his American Brother from his impending fate. Brother McKinstry was brought to Quebec where Brother Brant placed him in the hands of English Masons, who in turn, returned him uninjured to the American outposts.
Stories like this are abundant in situations of conflict. From the War of Independence, the American Civil War, and the World Wars of our history. These stories have always inspired me. They give me hope. For if brother Masons can care for each other after looking into the barrel of each other’s rifles, by the same principles that guided them, we may maintain peace and unity between brothers in our lodges.
May God bless you all!
Sincerely and fraternally,
T.J. Oliva
T.J. Oliva
It is October already! Time certainly has flown by this year as we begin the final months of 2021. With everything in flux with Covid it's been challenging sometimes being able to meet and other times not. But the lodge has done well getting the ball rolling with initiations, passings, and raisings and it looks to be continuing the rest of the year and into next. All of this activity, while very busy, gives nothing but positive signs for the health of our lodge into the future, bring in new Brothers, and helping others continue their journey. I also want to congratulate the officers of the lodge for the work they have put into these rituals, as well as say a hearty thank you to those who have stepped in to fill empty spots in the rituals.
I would also like to thank our Officer's Coach, Wor. Michael Schneider for all of his work with the officers this year for the degrees, as well as Bro. DuWayne Wells for all of his worth with the candidates in preparing them for their proficiencies. Brothers, your hard work has not gone unnoticed.
I hope that in the coming year this lodge will be able to hold at least one degree per month, whether 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. It is a lofty goal but one that I think this lodge will be prepared for, and hopefully establish a continual growth into the future for all the continuing Masters. I know this lodge can do it.
I look forward seeing you all at Lodge in the near future.
Your Senior Warden,
Dan Haff
Daniel Haff
Senior Warden
Greetings from the South,
What a great time to be a member of Hollywood Lodge number 355. It seems like we are almost getting back in the full swing of things. Things got busy; it seems like out of nowhere.
Last month we had the pleasure of conferring an awesome Master Mason Degree for brother Robert Brown and this month, we are planning on conferring a Fellow Craft degree for a couple of fine brothers. We also had a few great proficiencies that were quite a sight to see. I would like to give a special thanks to all of the officers of this lodge for helping us achieve our goal of 100% Annual Officer giving. One another note, this year I am planning on attending our 172nd Annual Communications at Grand Lodge in San Francisco and I am looking forward to meeting brothers and friends from all over.
“There are no strangers in freemasonry, only friends you’ve yet to meet.” -Dave Thomas
Cedric Williamson, Sr.
Cedric Williamson
Junior Warden -Elect
Please join us by using the link below.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 836 2992 8019
Passcode: 091590
This is open to Masons (of all degrees) only.
Brother Sandy Stern was born in Queens, New York.
He was intiated into Masonry on February 27,1962, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on March 24, 1964, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on May 12, 1964. He joined Hollywood Lodge No. 355 on December 1, 1999.
Brother Sandy was 82 years old when he passed.
Mrs. Carol Stern
11744 Woodley Ave.
Granada Hills, CA 91344
Friday the 13th is considered unlucky. Luckily, we don't have October 13th falling on a Friday in 2021. Why is it unlucky? More likely the answer of this riddle has less to do with movie serial killer Jason Voohees and more to do with The Knights Templar.
It is widely known that the Order of the Knights Templar established a modern "banking system" in the Middle Ages, but few consider that this extraordinary influence would set off disastrous events on a Friday The 13th, in 1307.
King Philip IV propagated rumors that the Knight Temple had been involved in sinister deeds and secret rituals. This effort was used to smear the group and ultimately arrest the Knight Templar and seize the Order's holdings and absorb them into the Royal Treasury.
Hundreds of Templars were arrested, of which included GM Jacques de Molay (Molai), who was the Order's treasurer. Good men, who were not in the Order, also were charged along with them, Heresy, black magic, fraud and overall corruption were claimed offenses by the King's forces.
The Templars were beaten and tortured, and Pope Clement V ordered the Templar be dissolved. Early 1314, the GM de Molay and remaining Templars were executed, putting Friday the 13th into legend.
Knowledge Through Craft!
Bro. Kevin S Michaels
Chairman of Masonic Education
Hollywood Lodge #355
Dear Members and Friends of Hollywood Lodge #355 F&AM,
We had our first in person meeting in September and the girls were happy to see each other. We had a Non-Regala meeting for our first meeting back. After we did some business, Miss Julia Colbert had some fun games for us to play.
We at Bethel 289 Tarzana wish everyone to continue to be safe and healthy during this tough time we are currently going through. The girls are looking forward to getting back. Hope that we get to see everyone soon.
John Schnepp
Associate Bethel Guardian
Bethel 289 Tarzana
Cell Phone # 661-312-7398
Hollywood DeMolay is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization under DeMolay International and dedicated to preparing young men to lead successful, happy, and productive lives. Basing its approach on timeless principles and practical, hands-on experience, DeMolay opens doors for young men aged 12 to 21 by developing the...
Holidays provide a great opportunity to send mass mailings to friends and relatives, both to stay in touch and to verify that the emails that you have are current.
When I recently sent out my annual Rosh Hashanah emails, a few that had worked, bounced. Some did not, but also did not elicit expected responses. Possibly the recipients are no longer receiving email at the addresses I had used.
A work email might bounce if the individual has retired or changed jobs. A personal email might bounce if the individual switched their email provider. It might seem to work and yet elicit no response if the person simply stopped using that particular email account.
Once you have checked that you have typed the address correctly, you might phone the person or contact a mutual friend or a relative for a current email.
Here are a few other ideas for finding working emails (The first may avoid the problem entirely):
1. Ask for and record an alternate email, especially if all you have is a work email.
2. Check the ‘sent from’ address on the person’s last email to you.
3. Recheck your contact list for an alternate email address that you may have saved.
4. Find the person on Facebook and use Messenger to ask for their current email.
5. Google “Directory” and the person’s company or organization. You may be surprised.
6. Or, one of my favorites, Use to find another email that might work.
If you have not used I strongly recommend it as it shows physical addresses, land line and cell phone numbers and often email addresses across the U.S. It may show nicknames and even maiden names along with birth month and year. I have used it to identify close adult relatives of the person. Some of the information is out of date and sometimes it misidentifies a parent as a spouse. But enough is accurate to make it a terrific, free tool.
For more ways to find emails, see the July 13, 2021 article, “13 Ways to Find Someone’s Email Address (Level Up Your Outreach Game)” at While the target audience is sales professionals, many of the suggestions are free and useful for general searches.
A final thought on holiday greetings: Some that I receive are sent to a hidden list of recipients with no salutation. I find this to be somewhat cold. But, sending personal emails can tedious and time consuming. My solution is to use Microsoft’s “mail merge” to rapidly send individual emails to hundreds of relatives and friends, each with a personal salutation and, occasionally, even a unique comment.
Bro. Hal Bookbinder
The Scottish Rite is often called the “University of Masonry,” but a more appropriate title would be the “Graduate School of Masonry.” The three degrees of the Blue Lodge provide the solid foundation lessons of our fraternity. The 29 degrees of the Scottish Rite provide opportunities for the student of Freemasonry to build upon those teachings. The Scottish Rite places a heavy emphasis on education: the Master Craftsman I & II Programs are unique opportunities for deeper study, and the Scottish Rite Research Society provides scholarly publications and an outlet for members’ thoughts and writings.
The Fall 2021 festival of degrees at the Pasadena Scottish Rite will be on November 12,13, 19, and 20.
Click on the button below to request for more information.
National Sojourners is a national fraternal organization that aims to meet the needs of those who are serving or have served in the U.S. Military, and for honorary members who are Master Masons. Its roots begin with the leaders of the American Revolution.
The Hiram Award was designed to be presented to the “unsung hero” of every Lodge such as the volunteer who makes the coffee at each meeting, the one who sets the tables or arranges the furniture and ornaments in the Lodge room, the painter, the gardener, the handyman, the organist, the program chairman or any...
Bro. Walter McClain - Chairman
818-337-9883 cell/text
Child ID is the program promoted by our lodge to identify children for their families. If anything were to happen to a child or a child is lost, this program helps the authorities to help find and identify missing or harmed children.
Call Brother Walter to Volunteer for any event.
Call for any major event in your immediate family.
Help is always a phone call away.
Bro. Spyros Pappas - Chairman
The social hall is available for parties, weddings, receptions, bar mitzvahs, quinciñeras, etc.
Richard Lee
When you log in to iMember, you will be able to interact with your lodge brothers, pay your dues, and use resources available to you as a member of Hollywood Lodge No. 355 and the Grand Lodge of California.
Are you one of the musicians who put their mutes on the ledge of their music stand? If so, you probably have experienced blocking your music or making it hard to turn pages. Bid these dilemmas goodbye and take advantage of the functional mute holders we offer at The Mute Caddy™ in Monterey Park, CA. All of our mute racks are specifically designed with you in mind before adding them to our collection, so you can rest assured that you get more than your money’s worth on each purchase.
Do you have a business or service you want to advertise to your lodge? Perhaps a rental cabin in the Mammoth Mountains? Let us know and we will put your ad on the next edition of Chips from the Quarry.