Chips from the Quarry is a monthly publication of Hollywood Lodge No. 355.
Please contact us if you are interested in being a contributor.
Greetings from the East,
It's wonderful to be a part of the recent events and accomplishments of Hollywood Lodge #355. Congratulations to brother Cameron Hood being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason and passing brother Dan Moyse to the degree of Fellow Craft. It's always great to see young men joining the ranks of Masonry and progressing through the degrees.
It's also heartening for the lodge to actively continue is our charitable activities, such as cutting checks to the youth orders and holding a successful blood drive spearheaded by brother Stan Zwicker. It's a testament to the values of Freemasonry and the commitment of the lodge to making a positive impact in the community.
I'm sure the Hiram Award Celebration honoring Worshipful James Bayhylle at the Odyssey restaurant in Granada Hills on April 1, 2023, will be a memorable event for all in attendance. Additionally, the annual visit by the inspector on April 6, 2023, is a great opportunity for the lodge to receive feedback and guidance from an experienced Mason.
I know Hollywood Lodge #355 will continue it's success and growth this year and into the future, and I look forward to hearing your input about more events and accomplishments in the coming months.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Worshipful Master
Cedric Williamson
Cedric Williamson
Please join us:
6:00 – 6:30 p.m. Social
6:30 – 7:30 p.m. StoneFire Dinner in Hall
(open to all, reservations & $15 donation requested)
7:30 p.m. assemble in the Lodge for Stated Meeting (Masons Only)
Bethel 289 Tarzana preparing home cooked meal for the lodge
Jobs Daughters Guardians/Parents Serving Homemade Meal
The presentation on Safe Computing by Brother Hal Bookbinder was a resounding success!
Several new Prospects, during social, invited by Worshipful Cedric Williamson!
The Magic of The Famous Hollywood Lodge is all around us.
Cedars Sinai Blood Drive, hosted by Brother Stan Zwicker, with Brother Andrew Feder
Officer Coach Eric Bertolli, PM giving blood.
Moved but not forgotten, Past Master TJ Oliva is exploring Masonic Lodges in his new home of New England from the outside....
... and from the inside.
1-Apr Sat - Hiram Award Ceremony, James Bayhylle - Odyssey Restaurant
4-Apr Tue - 3rd Degree Step-Up Practice
6-Apr Thu - StoneFire Dinner (Open to all $15 donation requested)
6- Apr Thu - Stated Meeting after dinner (Masons only)
7-Apr Fri - Pending Knights Templar Easter Observance at Hollywood Lodge
11-Apr Tue - Tarzana Jobs Daughters
13-Apr Thu - 602nd District Specific Instruction at Hollywood Lodge
14-Apr Fri - Hollywood DeMolay
14-16 Apr Fri-Sat - Master & Wardens Retreat - Irvine
18-Apr Tue - 3rd Degree practice
19-Apr Wed - Building Association Virtual (Open to Members only)
20-Apr Thu - 3rd Degree Practice
25-Apr Tue - Tarzana Jobs Daughters
27-Apr Thu - 3rd Degree Practice
28-Apr Fri - Hollywood DeMolay
10 Jun Sat Inter Lodge Chili Cook-Off
Expecting people to be good, just, and temperate without providing them guidance on how to achieve these qualities is like the ineffective charity described in the Bible where hungry, cold, and naked people are told to be fed, warmed, and clothed without being shown how to obtain food, fire, or clothing. Benjamin Franklin, a well-known Founding Father of the United States and an important figure in early American Freemasonry, contributed significantly to the fraternity by publishing the first book on Freemasonry in the New World and being involved in colonial Provincial Grand Lodges. His memoirs, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, written from 1771 to 1790, became one of the most famous and influential examples of an autobiography in the United States. In part two of the book, Franklin details a methodology he created for practicing and increasing virtue, which has had a lasting impact on the self-help movement and Jewish ethics. Franklin's plan for moral perfection involved working on a list of 13 virtues, one per week, and cycling through them repeatedly. The virtues include Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Chastity, and Humility. Freemasonry also emphasizes the pursuit of a virtuous path, with the ladder in the Jacob's Ladder depiction representing the theological virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity, and the bottom four rungs representing the cardinal virtues of Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice.
"While we can’t know for certain which Masonic virtues were impressed upon Franklin at his own initiation, it is interesting to speculate that his own art of virtue system could have been inspired by his ritual experience. "
This article is paraphrased from the June 2021 issue of Fraternal Review titled, “Stoicism and Freemasonry”.
Benjamin Franklin
Greetings Members and Friends of Hollywood Lodge #355 F&AM,
We hope this message finds you well. March was a fruitful month for us. Our first meeting was a non-Regalia meeting, where the girls had the opportunity to gather and decorate cupcakes without their robes or setting up the Bethel. It was a delightful time and everyone enjoyed the sweet treats.
During our second meeting of the month, we had a Regalia meeting and initiated Lorraine Cardano to our Bethel. Please give her a warm welcome when you see her around.
Looking ahead to April, our first meeting of the month will also be a non-Regalia meeting, where we will be expressing our artistic sides by painting.
The second meeting of April will be a full Regalia meeting, and we welcome anyone who would like to see what we do at our meetings. Our fun activity for the month is a visit to Castle Park for a round of mini-golf.
As always, we wish everyone to continue to be healthy and safe. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month at 7 p.m. at Bethel 289 Tarzana.
Mr. John Schnepp
Associate Bethel Guardian
Bethel 289 Tarzana
Cell Phone # 661-312-7398
April: DeMolay Experience
My experiences in DeMolay have changed and molded me to who I am today since joining my chapter in 2016. I was grateful to have the support of two chapters when I first joined and when I first began learning about what we do in DeMolay. Before joining, I wasn’t that social or vocal in most conversations with the friends I have at the time. But it was thanks to this organization where I found some of my best friends, I have gained skills that I would have never thought I would be using today.
Back before finding DeMolay, I wasn’t much of a speaker when it comes to large crowds or as open to speaking to others as I am now. DeMolay has allowed me to gain confidence in how I can speak through its ritual. I didn’t realize it at the time when I first picked up my ritual book, but once I began to memorize my positions and ceremonies, I have gained and learned abilities such as the tone of my voice as well as how to project them to an audience. This development led me to take on opportunities outside of DeMolay to go and begin to initiate conversations such as being able to present presentations to large groups or to give speeches to crowds. All I have to develop time to learn how to speak and pronounce my words when talking all come from the time I learn to memorize my ritual and develop my own style of communicating and talking to others.
Through my time in DeMolay, I have made multiple connections with people from other chapters, leagues, and sometimes jurisdiction and international. One of my closest friends I have met was when I participated in one of my chapter’s installations, I met another DeMolay who was the only one from his chapter actively visiting that night. I have given the chance to go up and talk to him and we have connected really well with one another. We have been in contact since and keep on talking to each other through calls and texts. Traveling was another factor that lead me to meeting new people across the jurisdiction, brothers such as from San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Burbank, Beverly Hills, San Pedro, Thousand Oaks, Gardena, and many other places, there is a DeMolay brother that I have met and have the chance to get to know over my time in this organization. I also know that these brothers of mine will have my back and be there when I need them, especially those who I considered some of my best friends for life, I have met through this great organization.
The lessons I have learned from experiencing chapter meetings, events, as well as traveling, all played a role in my DeMolay experience from allowing me to grow as a person as well as meet people who I would never have thought I would meet. DeMolay has given me confidence, leadership skills as well as friends that I cherish and still use to this day in my college and extracurricular activities and would have never thought someone like me can ever accomplish without this fantastic experience.
Sean Santos
PMC Hollywood Chapter
Coastal League President
Brother Alessandro Meynardi, who hails from Milan, Italy, attended the renowned Berklee College of Music in Boston, where he studied alongside our fellow Entered Apprentice Guney Tamer. He became a member of Hollywood Lodge after affiliating from Elysian Lodge No. 418.
Brother Claude Barreau, originally from Port-Du-Prince Haiti, has been extensively involved in California Freemasonry. When he was met at Pasadena Scottish Rite and invited to visit our lodge, he immediately developed a fondness for the brethren. Despite holding the position of Senior Warden at Sunnyside Lodge No. 577, he decided to affiliate with Hollywood.
Call for any major event in your immediate family.
Help is always a phone call away.
Bro. Spyros Pappas - Chairman
The social hall is available for parties, weddings, receptions, bar mitzvahs, quinciñeras, etc.
Illi Property Management